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Watching Edie

Goodreads Description

Beautiful, creative, a little wild… Edie was the kind of girl who immediately caused a stir when she walked into your life. And she had dreams back then—but it didn’t take long for her to learn that things don’t always turn out the way you want them to. Now, at thirty-three, Edie is working as a waitress, pregnant and alone. And when she becomes overwhelmed by the needs of her new baby and sinks into a bleak despair, she thinks that there’s no one to turn to… But someone’s been watching Edie, waiting for the chance to prove once again what a perfect friend she can be. It’s no coincidence that Heather shows up on Edie’s doorstep, just when Edie needs her the most. So much has passed between them—so much envy, longing, and betrayal. And Edie’s about to learn a new lesson: those who have hurt us deeply—or who we have hurt—never let us go, not entirely…

My Review

This was a strange read in a way, and not exactly what I was expecting. But I also found it a rather clever psychological thriller. I don't want to say too much about the cleverness of the writing so as not to give anything away, but I will say that I found the way that the author dealt with the characters very interesting.

When I was first introduced to the main characters, Edie and Heather, I very quickly worked out who I liked and who I thought was a nutter. But this is where the writing gets intriguing. It didn't take long before I started second guessing myself. Was my favourite character really nice? Or was she actually the nutter? And then I would change my mind again. But, by the time I had finished reading the book, everything had fallen properly into place, and it was very clear who had treated who badly.

This book was actually rather chilling and disturbing in a way. It wasn't chilling in the serial killer type of way - there was no blood and guts and sick, depraved psycho's waiting to torture people. The chilling behaviour was far more subtle, and I actually didn't feel the chill for the majority of the book. However, by the time I turned the last page I felt slightly disturbed. I thought back over the book and what had happened, and I felt that the actions of a certain character had been despicable. I wanted to jump right into the pages and give said character a slap across the face! Okay, so enough said about that.

This was a really good read. I must be honest and say that I didn't find myself absolutely riveted, dying to rush home and read, but I did look forward to seeing how everything ended. And I found the ending really strong. It pulled the story together and everything became clear. I absolutely raced through that last 50 odd pages of this book. It was a great read and I have no problem recommending it highly.

My Rating: * * * *

Publication Date: July 2016

Genre: Psychological Thriller

Format: Trade Paperback

Source: My own purchased copy.

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My Ratings

Brilliant! Rush out and buy it today

Great read. Buy it soon

Good. Borrow it from the library

There wasn't much to like. Give it a miss

Terrible. Don't bother

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