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When She Was Bad

Doctor Anne Carter, a child psychologist who is starting out in her career, is assigned a very difficult child abuse case in the USA, one that will test her resolve and her ability to stand up to the experienced and much respected senior psychologist that she is working with. A number of years later in London, a group of people who have worked together happily for many years in a recruitment agency are lamenting the dismissal of their much loved boss and battling to come to terms with her replacement, Rachel, a woman who is making all their lives a misery. When the company bigwig decides that a team building session outside of the office will be a good idea, the once close group of friends and colleagues each drag themselves to the venue filled with dread. The team building exercise that is supposed to bring them all together as a team, ends up doing nothing more than increasing the divide between the already upset colleagues. Will they ever be good friends again or will their new boss destroy their friendships forever?


This author is very quickly becoming one of my favourites. Her stories are always gripping and tense, and this one is no exception. Having worked in a corporate environment most of my life, I really felt for the employees who, after losing their wonderful boss, inherited a tyrant. My heart went out to the employees. Despite trying their best to impress their new boss, they all fell constantly short in their own ways, with some of them being singled out as the weakest links more often than others. The tension in the office and between the individuals grew with each turn of the page and I was absolutely hooked. Then there is the story line set in the USA many years before the story set in the office, and oh gosh, what a gripping story line that was as well. It was obvious that there must be a link between the two stories, but I couldn't see it. When the full link and story was revealed, it was a surprise and I didn't see it coming.

This is an easy, fast paced read. I was truly and utterly gripped by it, and I really loved it. I'd recommend this book for fans of the psychological thriller genre. The suspense was great, and the story kept me interested and engaged.

My rating * * * *

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My Ratings

Brilliant! Rush out and buy it today

Great read. Buy it soon

Good. Borrow it from the library

There wasn't much to like. Give it a miss

Terrible. Don't bother

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